Thursday 16 May 2013

Three Faces of Cunningness- Colour, Shape, and Behaviour

Three Faces of Cunningness- Colour, Shape, and Behaviour 

Every relationship requires attention and devotion for fulfilling a relationship.  As a plant grows with air, water and sun, similarly a relationship grows with faith, understanding and time. But as the relationship starts, a cunning nature starts developing. People use the cunning nature to bluff the present to support their ego. It is merely done to achieve short term selfish goals. They don't realize that it slowly decays the relationship. This is the reason why relationships works out less but falls out more. It is natural to develop cunning nature in a person. But one should also learn to professionalize the cunning nature in positive direction while understanding the affects of your action. One should try not to hurt others with their actions/deeds. Therefore, one should look at the present and understanding the scenario should work out their work with equality in their minds.   

Why did gold flowed through the lanes of Lanka when burned?

Why did gold flowed through the lanes of Lanka when burned? 
The doors, and the Panelling of windows in the houses in Lanka was made up of Timber named Jammudatt.  This timber on burning yields gold which flowed through the lanes of Lanka when it caught fire. 

Something you don't know in Ramayan

Something you don't know in Ramayan
In many scripts and literature, it is written that King Dashrath did not had any sons. This literature is true.  A long time before he gave birth to four sons, who were known as prince of Ayodhya .He had a daughter named Shanta. She was adopted by the King of Ang Desh. She was married off to Rishi Shring. Rishi Shring  did a ritual(Yagya-Ritual is a hindu ceremonial act of sacrificing to their deities in a havan samagri) (of offering to their deities) for King Dashrath to help him achieve his wish to get a son. After the ritual completion, King Dashrath had four sons-Ram, Lakshman, Shtrughan and Bharat.  

Marriage and Demarriage

In today’s world, people do easily find their love but  they are not able to sustain their love for lifetime.  Few even fear to get committed or married by the thought of losing their to-be beloveds.
Even if the two know each other very well and they believe that they would continue as such forever. In reality, the marriage not even withstand the time period of their affair. Why such a true belief in each other gets destroyed so easily?
 This event is equally hurting for both of them. It changes the entire life. As a marriage changes the entire life for the two, similarly the demarriage(divorce) also changes the same way.  
Knowingly, both husband and wife are different to each other. Initially, both used to understand each other and looks at the situation with the same point of view. But when they get married they want the other to see the life with his point of view. When there is no space for their differences, then the space for the individuality vanishes.  This shows out as disrespect to each other and spoils the relationship. The love towards each other  acts as hindrance to their independence and expense to their life.
While in case of an arranged marriage this differences are known from starting itself. Hence, they move on completing their responsibilities and getting their relationship successful.

A comparision of yourself with a mobile

comparision of yourself with a mobile 
If we consider any living being, be it animal, birds or human being as a mobile which is not differentiated with any mobile brand. How this mobile gets charged and how different sims work in this set is very complex and hence, difficult to understand. When the heart and mind of the mobile sim gets encrypted, then again to activate the sim, it wanders various places of worship - temples, church, Mosque, Gurudwara or to doctors and hospitals. Activating  the sim it increases the lifetime of the mobile. Wherever one has faith and preaches its understanding, asking for help from there or doing some good deeds, you can repair your sim 
When the connections between the heart and  mind breaks down, then the body is buried according to one's ritual and religion belief.It is the rule of nature that what is created will also get destroyed and one possess a body for one's identity. Making one's life happy or full of sorrows depends on one's deeds. As one sows, so shall he reap. one does not has any religion at the time of birth nor at the time of death. 


Mahabharat is one of the holy books, which is not considered auspicious. People don't encourage keeping Mahabharat holy book at homes. But, at the same time people preach Mahabharat's teachings in the form of Gita, holy book. Both the books revolve around Mahabharat, the biggest war between the Moral and Immoral, But one is considered auspicious while the other is not. In Mahabharat, the biographies of many warriors like VedvyasBhishm PitamahDhatrastraDuryodhanDronacharyaShakuniKarnAshwathamaBarbarikKuntiGandhariDraupadi and others are written. Each had their qualities, but was no one able to stop the big war, Mahabharat? Didn't anybody tried to stop it? Why was this Mahabharat turned into a struggle against the immorality resulting into a mass destruction and loss of lives? Kaurav died in the war, while their brothers Pandu gave away their lives in the wish of heaven. Why was Mahabharat the reason behind the end of Pandav 
's lineage? What was the aim behind Mahabharat 
In every holy book it is stated that it is the creator, who is the doer. But is it true? Are the deeds of human beings not responsible for the consequences? Is everything out of reach for humans? Or humans can have everything if they try?