Thursday 16 May 2013

Marriage and Demarriage

In today’s world, people do easily find their love but  they are not able to sustain their love for lifetime.  Few even fear to get committed or married by the thought of losing their to-be beloveds.
Even if the two know each other very well and they believe that they would continue as such forever. In reality, the marriage not even withstand the time period of their affair. Why such a true belief in each other gets destroyed so easily?
 This event is equally hurting for both of them. It changes the entire life. As a marriage changes the entire life for the two, similarly the demarriage(divorce) also changes the same way.  
Knowingly, both husband and wife are different to each other. Initially, both used to understand each other and looks at the situation with the same point of view. But when they get married they want the other to see the life with his point of view. When there is no space for their differences, then the space for the individuality vanishes.  This shows out as disrespect to each other and spoils the relationship. The love towards each other  acts as hindrance to their independence and expense to their life.
While in case of an arranged marriage this differences are known from starting itself. Hence, they move on completing their responsibilities and getting their relationship successful.

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